The RRR Blog
Humility: A Cornerstone for Growth & Leadership
Several weeks ago, Bonnie Raitt entertained a sold-out crowd at the picturesque Red Rocks amphitheater in Colorado. Under a brilliant full moon, she performed with grace and humility, as though it were the most important concert of her career.
Intentional Resets: Launching a New Year
Welcome to the second week of January. This month is named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transition. Pictures of Janus typically have two faces with one looking forward to the future and one looking back to the past. Today, January continues to be a time for looking forward and back, inviting us to rethink and reset how we work, lead, and live.
From Languishing to Thriving - Career & Life Transitions
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4 million U.S. workers left their jobs in April 2021. The trend has continued over the summer. Globally, Microsoft’s Work Trend Index reports that 40% of workers surveyed are thinking about quitting their jobs. Employees are in transition, and we are in the midst of what is being called the Great Resignation.
Stonehenge, Cathedrals & Space Stations
Last week I visited a Stonehenge exhibit at Denver's Museum of Nature and Science. While much about Stonehenge continues to remain a mystery, archeologists agree that it served as a burial site, a place of ritual, and an intentional framing of the sun during the winter and summer solstices. As I wandered through the exhibit, I thought about humanity’s yearning to connect to something greater than ourselves.
What We’re Learning about the Entitlement Trap
Several months ago while attending a coaching training with Whitney Johnson, we discussed the role that entitlement plays in inhibiting growth. When it was suggested that all clients must battle entitlement, I resisted.
As I thought about it, I realized I was stuck on the word entitlement. It triggered me. It called to mind being spoiled, demanding, and deserving; qualities that I had a hard time believing pertained to EVERYONE.
What I Continue to Learn about ‘Fake It till You Make It’
Last week I took an adult ballet class.
While executing the adagio (a slow combination of steps requiring balance, high leg extensions and absolute control), I critically compared the reflection in the mirror with my younger self…a former professional dancer whose movements were certainly more agile and balance more dependable.
Women’s Transitions during Covid-19
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research recently released an analysis of the Bureau of Labor Statistics employment data for April 2020. Women’s unemployment rate was at 16.2%, while men’s was at 13.5%.
A Mindset of Transition
Early in my career when working as a choreographer, I had to confront my mindset. I’d never fit the artist stereo-type: an explorer who dabbles and experiments to find new and creative ways of doing things.
Bringing Focused Attention to Life Transitions
For centuries, native practitioners of the Polynesian art, ‘wayfinding,’ traveled from island to island by honing their attention on the world around them.
Creating a Team of Titans
Two favorite questions we often ask clients are “With whom do you spend most of your time, and how do these people make you feel?” Many of us spend time with people out of convenience