Let’s tackle your professional and personal transitions together.
Whether it’s experiencing a professional or personal transition, honing your leadership skills, or launching an early career, we have a program tailored for you.
Reasons Why Women Join Guided Career & Life Transitions
Leaving a Job
“I am leaving my job and am having a hard time visualizing what's next.“
“I am transitioning from a demanding corporate role to a stay at home Mom. In a few years, I plan to reenter the workforce but would like a different focus in my work.”
Looking for Purpose
“I'm looking to find a career and purpose in life that makes me want to get out of bed every day.”
Lack of Clarity
“I am not even sure I know what is my next transition.”
So Many Ideas
“I have many ideas but need structure to evaluate and make strong choices.”
Empty Nest
“I just sent my last child off to college, and I'm now dealing with an empty nest.”
Reasons Why Women Join BASE Camp for Women Leaders
“My team has great potential, and I believe that together we can make a stronger impact on the health care community if I develop my skills.”
Career Advancement
“I’m working towards a senior-level leadership role and want to make sure any blind spots don’t limit me.”
Double Bind
“I can fall into the classic trap of wanting to be liked and this costs me. Yet when I’m direct, I get feedback that I’m cold and ‘unlikeable.’ I want skills to help me make the tough calls even when others doubt or question me.”
Strategic Vision
“I’m known as a strong executor who gets things done, but I want to be seen as someone who is visionary and influences my organization’s direction.”
Competing Demands
“I’ve been in a leadership role for 4 years, yet easily get caught up in the weeds. I’m looking to balance doing things myself and delegating to others, and prioritizing long-term and immediate demands.”
“I want to become better at making difficult decisions and getting my team on board when rapid change is required.”
Reasons Why Women Join Future Workforce Skills
“I balance a part-time job with gig work and want to move into a full-time career that will be relevant for the next two decades.”
Manage Professional Relationships
“Sometimes I don’t know the best way to communicate with my boss or managers and want to learn how to be more comfortable and confident.”
Workplace Communication Skills
“My boss suggested I work on my interpersonal skills to move up from this entry level position.”
Emotional/Social Intelligence
“I get stressed at work easily and want to learn techniques to manage it.”
Workplace Team Skills
“I prefer to work by myself, but my job requires that I work on several teams. I want to know how to be a better team player.”
Professional Comportment
“My goal is to learn how to be a professional that companies want to hire.”
Outcomes from Participating in RRR’s Programs
Personalized Service
You will have the opportunity to receive timely feedback on your reflections and professional development plans.
Structured Program
You will work through a structured process that highlights opportunities to directly apply, integrate and implement your learning.
Evidence-Based Content
You will learn about the latest neuroscience, behavior science and social science that relates to women’s leadership, professional/personal transitions, and early career development in these evidence-based programs.
You will develop strategies to build resilience and manage the challenges and complexity you face while creating your next chapter.
More Resources
You will walk away with more time, focus, energy and inspiration to dedicate to your professional and personal goals..
You will be part of a community of like-minded women..
Did you know...
18% of women ages 70 – 74 are still active in the workforce?
Women accounted for 55% of the job losses during the pandemic. In fact, women between 25-55 years of age are more likely to experience job loss in this current economic client. As a result, more women are considering career transitions.
Millenials are expected to transition through 15 - 20 jobs during their careers?
Women leaders are at times perceived as “overly direct,” and “have to re-word or reposition” what they say in workplace meetings?
According to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, many high-performing women leaders have a tight-knit circle of other women who help them with “gender-specific" private information and support?
Deloitte believes we’re entering a heart-based economy where human skills such as empathy, creativity and communication will be in greatest demand?
The workforce is changing. The OCED forecasts an increase in service jobs by 27% and a decrease in the manufacturing sector by 20%. It’s estimated that six out of 10 adults do not have the right skills for the changing job market.
According to research conducted at Harvard Business School, performing a ritual before entering a stressful situation can reduce feelings of anxiety and improve performance?