Career & Life Transitions
Guided Career & Life Transitions™
Contact us for group offering and custom solutions.
You may be standing at a crossroad questioning your current life. A crossroad that requires you to pause, ask questions and contemplate options.
Research confirms that career and life transitions, while triggered by a variety of causes, are both a common and critical part of adult life, and they often follow an expected pattern. Yet this process of transition isn’t always well understood; nor always accepted by others in your life.
By integrating the latest research on transition, behavior change and neuroscience, RRR’s Guided Career & Life Transitions™ program is designed to help you implement practical strategies to navigate a successful transition to launch a new life trajectory. Our global partnership brings a universal perspective to your very personal experience.
Each course runs for six weeks and includes the following:
Six live webinars (one hour a week - webinars are recorded in case you have to miss a session)
Personalized feedback from certified coaches on submitted reflection exercises
A 50+ page electronic resource book with exercises and resources to guide your transition
A community of women navigating career and life transitions
The program provides a simple retreat from the daily fray. It’s designed to help you connect with your past successes, define your essential questions, and establish your identity for moving forward. And finally, it supports you in managing your energy while connecting you to a community of like-minded women.
Highlights from RRR’s curriculum include:
Deciding What You’ll Take Forward
Identifying Your Guiding Questions
Exploring Powerful Choices
Adopting Mindsets for Growth & Change
Honing Your Vision
Balancing Big Thinking with Actionable Ideas
Integrating the Who, the What and the How Framework
Managing Resistance
Assessing Your Energy for Implementation and Sustainability
Creating a System for Action and Accountability
Identifying a Team of Titans for Support
Charting Your Personal Transition Plan
Creating opportunities to explore who you want to be and how you want to express your authentic self, both professionally and personally, is at the heart of what we do.
What will it take to create your next chapter?
new beliefs
bold choices
team of titans
Join us to create your next life chapter by taking time to Retreat Reinvent Recharge.
What People Are Saying
“This course will seriously disrupt your former point of view and give a serious 'leg up' to any transition. Be prepared - the course is likely to open your mind to all possibilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for change.”
— Linda Parkes - Business Owner - Australia
“Thank you for helping me to figure out exactly what I was looking for. Because I had clarity, I was able to pursue every stage of this application process with laser focus. The work I did in your coaching program was so valuable!”
— Jennifer Seigle - Colorado